Page 21 - MMI_MarApr 2021 (high-singles)
P. 21

Source: Milacron India Pvt LtdThe Government can promote,       a commendable job of an-           and other countries in the
                              assist and incentivize R&D        nouncing a bold yet thoughtful     global environment.
                              centers, and offer SMEs to com-   Budget that addresses the im-
                              pensate their R&D expenses for    mediate need to power the eco-     Constant innovation to
                              creating this shift. There is no  nomic growth engine, putting       move ahead
                              doubt that unless we increase     in place the building blocks for   At Milacron, we lay emphasis
                              our budget for R&D and in-        long-term growth and self-re-      on continual improvement. Be
                              vest ourselves in it, becoming    liance by adequately funding       it through regular Kaizens, or
                              self-reliant will remain a dis-   core sectors, without overbur-     through the R&D teams work-
                              tant dream.                       dening the common man with         ing together with the global
                                                                new taxes and levies.              teams. We innovate continu-
                              SV Divgi                          With this Budget, the ‘Atma        ously, thereby providing new
                              CEO                               Nirbhar Bharat’ takes the          technologies and better per-
                              Milacron India Pvt Ltd            center stage once again and        formance machines to our cus-
                                                                the message is clear – Inno-       tomers at the most competitive
                              India’s innovation                vate or Perish. This Budget will   prices. Our machines are now
                              quotient to up                    position India as a super power    accepted in the USA, Europe,
                              The Finance Minister has done     in terms of R&D, innovation,       and South Americas. Our re-
                                                                manufacturing, IT and ser-         cent product launches are fo-
                                                                vices. The digital India push,     cused on sustainability in the
                                                                setting of R&D centers, setting    plastic sector and our patent-
                                                                up of Fintech Hub at GIFT city,    ed Mono Sandwich and LPIM
                                                                and allocation of `50,000 crore    technologies enable customers
                                                                towards National Research          process recycled materials to
                                                                Foundation will work towards       produce products at reduced
                                                                boosting India’s Innovation        cost. We are fully convinced
                                                                Quotient on the global map         that investment in R&D and
                                                                and is a welcome move.             continuous innovation is the
                                                                This will further motivate the     only way forward for the Indi-
                                                                Indian Manufacturing sec-          an Manufacturing industry.
                                                                tor to invest in R&D to com-
                                                                pete with the likes of China

Source: VDMA India Services Pvt Ltd                             es of a global pandemic and        PLI, a positive push
                                                                swinging economy. The Union        Another important Budget an-
Rajesh Nath                                                     Budget has come at a time when     nouncement included the pro-
Managing Director                                               the economy is recovering from     duction linked incentive scheme
VDMA India Services Pvt Ltd                                     the aftermath of Covid-19. With    (PLI). This will serve the purpose of
German Engineering Federation                                   GDP contractions for the first     providing incentives to producers.
(VDMA)                                                          time in several years, the chal-   This will help the nation to grow
                                                                lenges before the government       as a hub for manufacturing and
A vision for                                                    were unprecedented and man-        exports. This move should draw
‘Atma Nirbharta’                                                ifold. In the words of the Fi-     investments from global players.
The Union Budget 2020-21 was                                    nance Minister, the Budget lays    The scheme is also looking at en-
presented amidst the challeng-                                  down a vision for ‘Atma Nir-       couraging local companies to set
                                                                bharta’ or self-reliance and will  up new units or expand existing
                                                                further strengthen the resolve     units in the country. This scheme
                                                                of Nation First. The Budget is     suggests that eligible industry
                                                                focused on giving the much-re-     players will get incentives of 4 to
                                                                quired impetus to the Indian       6 percent of production value af-
                                                                economy and at achieving           ter they are able to achieve their
                                                                the vision of the Indian Prime     production and investment value
                                                                Minister for India to become a     target every year.
                                                                $5 trillion economy by 2024-25.

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