Page 18 - MMI- Aug2022
P. 18
Source: Magic Wand Media
For example, the long stringy priate machine equipment, you power. For example, time-con-
Breaking chips produced by softer metals can expect: suming components that have
into the can get caught up in the tooling Increased Productivity – If you operators waiting on long cycle
world of and wreak havoc when left un- haven’t already, adding an extra times could be shifted to lights-
lights-out attended, whereas tough metals unmanned shift to your shop out operations if stable.
machining create wear on tools that makes has the power to significantly There is much to consider with
is no small lights-out machining difficult increase productivity. Imagine unattended machining, but
It requires over long periods. walking into your shop in the working with the right distrib-
a complete There is a sweet spot in materi- morning with the beginning utor ensures an easier transi-
evaluation als that tend to perform better stages of your project already tion. As your Machining Solu-
of one’s during unmanned operations. completed, or seeing the simple tions Partner, Triumph Tool Ltd
enterprise, For example, brass and 6061 time-wasting components that helps you compete by:
including aluminum alloys tend to be ide- have your employees patiently
tooling, ma- al. That said, remote monitoring waiting for completion already • Offering sound technical ad-
terials, and and increasingly advanced tech- done. With lights-out machin- vice that helps you choose
which pro- nology are allowing us to turn ing, there can be a significant the right tooling for the job;
cesses are the lights out on much more dif- increase in the productivity of • Providing unparalleled cus-
suitable for ficult-to-machine metals. a shop that helps you get more tomer service, so you are
operations. parts out the door. never left without answers;
Automation Technology and Scalability – With a shortage • Adding insight on how you
Products of workers, a skills gap that is can save time, tool life, and
The saying goes, “it’s not the quickly growing, and rising money;
tool, it’s how you use it”. In this costs of goods, it is becoming • Engaging the right manufac-
case, however, it’s both. Be- increasingly difficult for man- turer partners; and
cause we are removing the op- ufacturers to stay competitive • Connecting you with inno-
erator from the equation here in the current climate. Lights- vative solutions that help
(or at least part of it), you need out manufacturing practic- you get the job done faster,
tools that hold their own, on es help businesses stay scal- better, and with more money
their own. able by automating processes in your pocket.
that would otherwise be a drain
Benefits of Lights-Out on resources. Are you considering adding
Prioritization of Manpower – lights-out operations to your fa-
Although it may seem intimi- There are some components cility? Or improving your exist-
dating to leave your machine that just need a human touch; ing ones? Triumph can help with
unattended, there are many there’s no doubt about that. high-performance tooling and
benefits to doing so. When the But, with unattended machin- some of the best tech partners on
gap is bridged between technol- ing, you can prioritize when the market, so you can run lights
ogy, proper tooling, and appro- and where to direct your man- out without losing sleep.
18 | July-August 2022 Modern Manufacturing India