Page 28 - MMI - JanFeb 2021 single
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into,  while  AI  aims  to outfit                           problems  and  ultimately opti-
                         technological  devices  with                                mize  energy consumption  in
                         the  keen  insight and  percep-                             the  long term. Having an  AI
                         tion  of a  responsive  being.                              system  look  into the  energy
                         With  Augmented  and  Virtual                               consumption  of a  production
                         Reality technologies  improv-                               operation  can  significantly re-
                         ing every day,  more  and  more                             duce  operating  costs. The  re-
                         major companies  are  develop-                              duced  cost can  allocate  more
                         ing AR and  VR for training,                                funding for process  improve-
                         preventative  maintenance  de-                              ment  resources,  leading  to
                         vices, inspection, quickly iden-                            higher yield and quality.
                         tifying defective  products  and
                         operational problems, etc.                                  Challenges with
                         Tool Optimization and Tool                                  With all the benefits AI has to
                         Wear Analytics                                              offer,  there  are  some  challeng-
                         With a range of ultra-sensitive                          Source: SmartFix 4.0  es  to overcome  with  regard  to
                         but tough sensors available and                             manufacturing,  starting with
                         with  the  option  of mounting                              the  challenge  of investing in
                                                       “SmartFix 4.0 has leveraged AI
                         these sensors on the fixture or   for multiple use cases. The most   the  new infrastructure  that
           In manu-      the  cutting tool  as  close  to the  sought-after feature is the tool   enables  these  advantages. The
           facturing,    cutting edge  as  possible,  accu-  wear prediction that is served   infrastructure  includes  buying
           AI is also    rate  data  can  be  achieved  re-  from vibration data captured   new IoT-enabled machines and
           being used    garding how a tool is perform-  from the fixture. The in-built AI   having robust network connec-
                                                       model maps the sensor signals
           in energy     ing,  its  life,  and  the  cost per  to the expected age of the tool,   tivity that allows the shop floor
           manage-                                     thereby allowing the customer
           ment. It can   component per tool.          to track tool wear.”          to be truly connected.
           monitor       Joshi  adds,  “We  are  also    Nikhil Rabindra             Next,  there  is  the  dilemma  of
           and collect   developing  sensorized  tool-  Head                         where  the  data  resides—local
           informa-      ing to provide  data  for smart    SmartFix 4.0             or cloud? And  how secure  is
           tion about    decision-making  during  the                                data if it is stored on the cloud?
           energy con-   machining process. We  have   “DMG   Mori’s  ‘Tool  Control    While  local can  be  optimal
           sumption      also implemented  smart man-  Centre’ provides  a  visual rep-  for a  single  location,  a  cloud
           in the form   ufacturing  concepts  at  our    resentation of a time sequence   solution  can  be  more  benefi-
           of num-       plant in  India. Development  graph for monitoring and anal-  cial for a  multi-location  set-
           bers, text,   and  implementation  of  AI    ysis  of the  axial and  bending  up. Solutions  like  SmartFix
           images, and   solutions  provide  Sandvik    loads  of every rotating tool.  4.0  address  these  problems
                         with  the  ability to offer cus-  ‘Easy tool monitoring’ on  the  by  providing  flexibility  in
                         tomers  increasingly detailed  DMG Mori  turning machines   the  setup  without burning a
                         and  appropriate  advice  on  is  a  technology cycle  with    hole  in  the  pocket of a  lega-
                         how certain  operations  could  automated  learning of load    cy setup  and  also integrating
                         be  performed  more  efficiently  limits. It has  a  powerful algo-  with  existing IoT solutions  for
                         and how their machines can be   rithm  for efficient monitor-  a  fraction  of the  cost. Finally,
                         used optimally in specific situ-  ing right after the  first part is    the  philosophical question  of
                         ations to be more sustainable.”  machined,” Varghese explains.  how much human intervention
                         Rabindra shares, “SmartFix 4.0                              and  decision-making can  be
                         has  leveraged  AI  for multiple  Energy Management         handed  off to AI  is  always  an
                         use  cases. The  most sought-   In  manufacturing,  AI  is  also  ongoing process.
                         after  feature  is  the  tool    being used  in  energy man-  So yes, the forum is open to de-
                         wear prediction  that is  served  agement. AI  can  monitor and  bate on how far AI can be imple-
                         from  vibration  data  captured  collect information  about en-  mented  in  manufacturing,  but
                         from  the  fixture. The  in-built  ergy consumption  in  the  form  the above points are a top-level
                         AI  model maps  the  sensor    of numbers,  text,  images,  and  survey of all the potential paths
                         signals  to the  expected  age    videos.  By  evaluating what is    that can be explored going for-
                         of the  tool,  thereby allow-  observed, AI can manage ener-  ward and maybe seeing a facto-
                         ing the  customer to track    gy usage. It can  compress  and  ry smart enough to be managed
                         tool wear.”                   analyze  data  to predict future  by just a guard and a dog.

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