Page 26 - MMI - JanFeb 2021 single
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and  approve  the  decision  made                           data-heavy task  that involves  a
                         by AI, or have the option to opti-                          considerable  amount of histor-
                         mize the process further.                                   ical data  sets. Deciding which
                         Anil  Bhardwaj,  Managing Di-                               process parameters produce the
                         rector,  Yamazaki  Mazak  India                             best quality and output is not an
                         Pvt Ltd,  says,  “Mazak  control-                           easy task. Questions like which
                         lers  use  3D  models,  CAD data,                           parameters  to use  for the  high-
                         and  AI-enhanced  machining                                 est yield, etc., are best answered
                         process  selection  to automati-                            by AI  that can  crunch  the  data
                         cally program  parts  in  MAZA-                             fast,  constantly learning from
                         TROL. For our machine  spin-                                the previous data points.
                         dles,  we  utilize  AI  technology                          Jose  Varghese,  Director,  Tech-
                         to optimize  cutting conditions                             nology,  DMG Mori  Seiki  India,
                         by monitoring spindle  vibra-                               says,  “DMG Mori  helps  the
                         tion  and  adaptively altering                              customer transform  their shop
                         cutting technology (Feeds  &                             Source: Sandvik Coromant India  floor into a  digital factory by
                         Speeds)  to remove  the  vibra-                             taking advantage  of the  ad-
                         tion. With  optimum  processes                              vanced  technologies  and  con-
                         achieved,  the  cutting technol-                            tributes to significant improve-
                                                       “AI can be leveraged to
                         ogy characteristics  for the  tool                          ments  in  productivity  and
                                                       optimize maintenance, refine
                         are  stored  in  the  MAZATROL  processes, increase productivity   profitability. DMG Mori Digital
           For com-      or EIA (NC) program.”         and sustainability, and improve   Factory transcends  the  five
           panies to     He  adds,  “We  also have  an  AI  safety. It is driving increased   steps  of planning,  preparation,
           stay com-     Thermal shield  that automati-  automation through the use of   production,  monitoring,  and
                                                       collaborative robots, thereby
           petitive,     cally compensates the machine   increasing productivity and   service. With  the  cutting-edge
           manufac-                                    lowering costs. Sandvik is    operating system,  with  CE-
           turers must   for temperature  changes. Ma-  developing new concepts and
           realize that   chine Learning combined with   solutions that can help     LOS at its core, it connects hu-
           AI is no      Spatiotemporal  modeling  is  manufacturers reduce waste    mans,  machines,  and  factories
                                                       and improve efficiency.”
           longer a      used  to increase  the  stability                           to achieve  visualization  and
           concept of    of processes  with  temperature  Sunil Joshi                analysis  of information,  which
           the future    change,  further enhancing the  Sandvik Coromant India      has  been  difficult in  the  past.
           but is now    machine’s accuracy.”                                        Through  factory digitization,
           a reality     For  many companies,  the  im-  ing up  many opportunities  for  DMG Mori  identifies  the  chal-
           that can      plementation  of AI  can  seem  both  producers  and  suppliers.  lenges  that the  customers  face
           be imple-     daunting. Manufacturers  can  It can  be  leveraged  to optimize  and  provides  solutions  best
                         now generate  billions  of data  maintenance,  refine  processes,  suited to their needs.
                         points through smart machines,   increase  productivity and  sus-
                         advanced  sensor technologies,  tainability,  and  improve  safety.  DMG  Mori  Digital Twin  is  one
                         and intuitive computing power.   In addition, it is driving increased   such specific AI tool developed
                         Still,  many are  uncertain  how  automation  through  the  use  of  to offer the  following benefits
                         to effectively use  and  manage  collaborative  robots,  thereby in-  to the customer:
                         this  massive  volume  of data  to  creasing productivity and lower-  •  Continuous process improve-
                         increase  productivity,  reduce  ing costs. Sandvik  is  developing  ment due to virtual program-
                         costs,  improve  quality,  etc.  new concepts  and  solutions  that  ming and teaching machines.
                         They often attribute their hes-  can  help  manufacturers  reduce  •  Development-related  prod-
                         itancy in the adoption of AI to   waste  and  improve  efficiency.  uct optimization,  leading to
                         cost, lack of IT requirements, or   Our digital machining solutions,  savings in time and money.
                         not being Industry 4.0 ready.  which  include  software  solu-  •  Increase  in  productivity due
                         However,  for companies  to stay  tions, can strengthen the custom-  to better system utilization.
                         competitive, manufacturers must   ers’ value chain and facilitate da-  •  Quality  improvement of the
                         realize that AI is no longer a con-  ta-driven decision-making.”  machine and automation solu-
                         cept of the  future  but is  now a                            tion by means of virtual tests.”
                         reality that can  be  immediately  Areas in manufacturing
                         implemented in one’s plant.   where AI helps                Predictive & Preventive
                         Sunil  Joshi,  President,  Sandvik  Production Optimization  Maintenance
                         Coromant India, says, “AI is open-  Optimizing  processes  can  be  a  Some  of the  biggest potential

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