Page 32 - MMI - JanFeb 2021 single
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will reach 660 KLPD by 2022-23. ly participating in many of these The adoption of new technolo-
Our Power Transmission Busi- indigenous development projects. gies and robotic systems is help-
ness (PTB) segment caters to cus- The Defense Procurement Policy ing firms overcome the effects of
tomers across 70 countries via a 2020 focuses on self-reliance for the pandemic while keeping their
state-of-the-art manufacturing various equipment in Design, De- workforce safe. How do you view
facility in India. The Gears busi- velopment, and Manufacture by automation, and what would you
ness has bagged multiple gear- the Indian Industry. Most of the be suggesting to smaller players
boxes orders for various domestic new projects envisaged by the who still have apprehensions re-
customers for their expansion re- Defense sector are customized garding implementing it?
quirement through various OEMs requirements for critical equip- Rapid technological progress pos-
for all high-speed applications. ment, offering substantial value to es challenges for labor markets.
We are also actively engaged PTB’s rotating machinery portfo- Automation both displaces and
with the naval headquarters, lio. PTB initially focused on Naval creates job markets. At present,
shipyards, and other naval estab- Defense markets and has gained an unprecedented digitalization
lishments to participate in major some foothold in the critical turbo of the economy is ongoing. Ar-
upcoming projects with indige- pumps space. tificial intelligence has become a
nous designs or with Transfer of reality, and machines can learn
Technology (ToT) collaborations What are your views on the ‘Make how to outperform humans in
for varying products. in India’ initiative in niche seg- some cognitive tasks.
ments like Power Transmission? Automation adoption is very like-
The goal of The Government, in Atmanirbhar Triveni is the key contributor to ly to result in the growth of small
20 percent 3.0, announced investing of the Government’s ‘Make in India’ players as these businesses often
ethanol `10,200 crore for Capex in initiative and caters to customers face challenges such as massive
blending by Defense-related industries. How across 70 countries via its man- competition with large corpora-
2025 will has this move affected your ufacturing facilities in India. It is tions, reduced budgets, less work-
the growth Defense line of business? India’s largest producer of engi- force, etc. As automation tools are
of the Our Defense business is a stra- neered-to-order Turbo gearbox- incredibly diverse, they can help
Ethanol tegic foray guided by the com- es with over 80 percent market with multiple tasks in no time.
industry in pany’s ability to identify and share in the High-Speed segment At Triveni, we have been among
the country, harness emerging opportunities. and holds a robust presence in the pioneers in using automa-
which will The segment is poised to cater to the Replacement market. So far, tion and digitalization in our
aid in re- engineered equipment require- we have retrofitted/replaced/ sugar operations. The usage of
ducing the ments for Defense under the overhauled over 900 gearboxes the Vehicle Tracking System for
country’s ‘Make in India’ Initiative. With for more than 80 global brands. sugarcane transportation and
dependence our extensive experience in crit- Very few companies provide cus- satellite-based sugarcane area
on imported ical rotary machinery technolo- tomized gears manufacturing as mapping has been implemented
gy and in supplying and meeting it requires advanced technology for a long time.
the requirements of Defense and and stringent adherence to in-
Defense support organizations in ternational standards. Therefore, How far have Indian players
the past and expertise in turbo Triveni has a differentiated edge. reached the deployment of In-
machinery, the Defense business The Government’s ‘Aatmanirbhar dustry 4.0 and other advanced
has successfully procured ap- Bharat Abhiyan’ scheme will cater manufacturing technologies such
provals for both new projects and to the sustenance of laborers, the as Artificial Intelligence and Ma-
refurbishing requirements in the middle class, the Cottage industry, chine Learning?
Naval Defense space. Medium and Small Enterprises Industry 4.0 is gaining popular-
Through its strong portfolio of (MSMEs), and other industries. It is ity due to the rapid improve-
current and upcoming products, a step towards Self-Reliant India, ments made in cyber-comput-
the business is well poised to con- which will support the ‘Make in ing capabilities in the last few
tribute to the indigenization of India’ program while helping MS- decades. It has started making
high-end technology in the Indian MEs boost their business. We are inroads in the Indian Manufac-
Defense Industry in line with the hopeful that the Gears business turing, Real Estate, IT-ITes, and
Government’s ‘Make in India’ pol- can significantly contribute to the other sectors. While the devel-
icy. The ‘Make in India’ initiative indigenization of gearboxes to fur- opment of automation in India
has led to new opportunities for ther align with the Aatmanirbhar has been comparatively lower
diverse engineered products, and program announced by the Gov- than in the rest of the world, it
Triveni’s Mysuru facility is active- ernment of India. is growing significantly.
32 | January-February 2022 Modern Manufacturing India