Page 27 - MMI - JanFeb 2021 single
P. 27
problems for a production op- through the Product Problem
eration can be the breakdown Report system for more than 20
of a core piece of machinery years. With the accumulated
or equipment. Often, preven- data as well as factor analysis
tive maintenance schedules are of each error using AI, a robust
not optimized for real-time op- predictive and accurate preven-
erating conditions. Now, with tive maintenance mechanism is
a whole range of IoT sensors, in place today.”
MES data, and Machine Learn- He adds, “‘Condition Analyzer’
ing algorithms, manufacturers is a platform developed by DMG
can utilize many machine data Mori for the visualization of
points to predict breakdowns machine sensor data. It records
and wear and tear. the data, detects machine and
Bhardwaj informs, “Mazak has machining condition chang-
developed an AI-based system, es at an early stage, analyzes
in conjunction with the Indus- Source: DMG Mori Seiki India changes to minimize machine
trial AI (IAI) Center at the Uni- downtime, and provides access
versity of Cincinnati, a leader in from any networked PC, mo-
predictive analytics, the Mazak bile device, or CELOS interface.
“DMG Mori helps the customer
Spindle Health Monitoring Sys- This AI-powered revolution is
transform their shop floor into a
tem that uses EDGE Computing digital factory by taking gathering momentum with ev-
and Data Analytics algorithms advantage of the advanced ery passing year in the DMG
technologies and contributes to Yield
to model each machine’s spin- Mori world for the customers
significant improvements in prediction
dle during a 60-second test run, productivity and profitability. to reap the benefits.” is another
establishing a baseline value DMG Mori Digital Factory critical area
transcends the five steps of
for comparison in subsequent Supply Chain Optimization where AI
planning, preparation,
tests. Operators can conduct production, monitoring, and Supply chain networks can be can be used
fixed cycle tests at any time service. With the cutting-edge very complex, with thousands in manu-
operating system, with CELOS facturing.
and view Health Assessment of parts and hundreds of loca-
at its core, it connects humans,
and Fault Diagnosis screens machines, and factories to tions. Using Machine Learning Using AI,
on the machine’s Smooth CNC. achieve visualization and algorithms, users can deter- forecasts
analysis of information.” can be
Predictive analytics diagnoses mine the best shipping routes, made on
pre-failure conditions before Jose Varghese optimize inventory, etc.
Director, Technology RoI with a
any downtime occurs.” DMG Mori Seiki India high degree
In its current configuration, Forecasting Yield of accuracy.
the Mazak Spindle Health velopment in OEM integration Yield prediction is another
Monitoring System uses two of smart features into high-tech critical area where AI can be
high-definition data sensors, machines,” he adds. used in manufacturing. Using
a data acquisition unit, and an As Varghese shares, “DMG AI, forecasts can be made on
industrial computer to acquire, Mori, as a pioneer in the Ma- RoI with a high degree of accu-
process, and store machine data. chine Tool industry, is at the racy. Accurate yield forecasts
A Neural Network Self-Orga- forefront of AI applications. can help a great deal in inven-
nizing Map (SOM), also known The cognitive systems are now tory and supply chain man-
as AI, compiles a growing pro- a part of the machine tool as- agement. If outputs are lower
file of each machine, learning sembly, augmenting human ca- than expected, this can alert
to assess its health through fea- pabilities in handling machine the management to increase
tures extracted from a growing tools with CNC systems at a production time to meet de-
data set. superlative speed and Big Data mand needs. Yield prediction is
“Machine tools continue to scale. One such application is a data-heavy, complex problem
get smarter thanks to AI that predictive maintenance. DMG that AI can help solve.
provides shops with advance Mori has collected compre-
warning of problems before hensive data from more than Virtual and Augmented
they can derail productivity 3 lakh installed machines Reality
and profitability. The Mazak worldwide and has been ex- VR and AR use technology to
Spindle Health Monitoring Sys- ploring the causes of machine create simulated environments
tem represents an ongoing de- troubles and their solutions that we can submerse ourselves January-February 2022 | 27