Page 21 - MMI - JanFeb 2021 single
P. 21
adapt to the trends of the digi-
Benefits of the Extended Warranty Scheme
tal era and become tech-savvy.
• Priority response: With the EWC, one can rest assured that as CNC machines allow you to
soon as they call the company’s service team to report a breakdown, do just that. By virtue of their
service engineers will swing into action to find a solution for the operation, CNC machines use
problem caused. computers to control machine
tools, resulting in reduced de-
• Low operating costs: The company guarantees that there will be
velopment time, increased cost
minimal downtime and that the machine’s lifespan will be extended.
savings, and higher profits.
• Low EWC price: The EWC is available in the market at an attractive
price compared to other leaders.
Assisting in the production of
• Lower breakdown time: The company has a set of highly trained high-quality products
and well-equipped engineers and keeps track of all installed products Several customers currently
and their service histories in their service management software to face issues with the quality of
ensure that machines are repaired as quickly as possible. their products. This is a chal-
• Free inspection visit: At the time of purchase of the EWC, lenge that can easily be solved
Mitsubishi Electric India’s CNC will conduct a free machine if CNC machines are intro-
evaluation. This benefits the customer because they can learn duced into the Indian Manufac-
about the machine’s health and condition and plan production and turing industry. CNC machines
maintenance ahead of time. allow making the same precise
• No hidden costs: The contract covers engineers’ travel, lodging, cut every time while maintain-
and freight charges for shipments and part returns. There are no ing consistent quality.
additional fees. Mitsubishi Electric, a global
leader in the sales and manu-
• CNC service support (optional): The company provides round-
facturing of electrical and elec-
the-clock telephone support through a dedicated toll-free line.
tronic products and systems,
offers Computerized Numeri- Mitsubishi
cal Controllers (CNCs) that are Electric, a
cant positive impact. They are Workforce optimization smoother, faster, and easier to global leader
in the sales
known to provide a slew of ad- and safety use and offer higher accuracy. and man-
vantages, including increased When using traditional ma- The M800/M80 Series, E80 Se- ufacturing
productivity, higher-quality chinery, one needs to hire ex- ries, C80 Series, and other CNC of elec-
products, shorter development perts and other staff to deal control systems are offered by trical and
times, and higher profits. With- with the machine. Then there the company. electronic
out CNC machines, one would are the ongoing costs of main- These CNC features help in the products and
have to hire more workers, face tenance and repairs, which production of high-quality prod- systems,
difficulties replicating a specif- must be considered. Because of ucts with the utmost efficiency offers CNCs
ic product, and deal with a host all of these factors, traditional and standardized quality. that are
of other challenges. These ma- machinery can be quite costly. smoother,
faster, and
chines are employed widely in However, this is not the case Increasing productivity easier to
the aerospace, electronics, de- with CNC machines. As fewer CNC tremendously increases use and
fense, manufacturing, industri- people are required to operate productivity for machine tools offer higher
al, and medical domains. these machines, the labor cost as the machinery can be auto- accuracy.
gets reduced. matically run without requir-
Advantages of ing continuous attention from
CNC machines Increasing the number of its operator. The wide range
CNC machines offer a number production options of CNCs offered by Mitsubishi
of advantages, including: The production processes get Electric India enables business-
boosted by the easy-to-use CNC es to achieve smoother and
Making mass production easier machines. The CNC software as- faster operations and a high-
CNC machining makes more sists in creating products that are er level of product finish. At
sense than conventional ma- nearly impossible to make manu- the same time, it allows for in-
chining when there is a high ally or with traditional machinery. creased productivity and prof-
demand for a product, and one itability in operations.
needs to manufacture the same Being a digital era’s machinery Due to the outstanding fea-
piece over and over. Everyone nowadays wants to tures, the CNC products offered January-February 2022 | 21