Page 23 - MMI - MayJune2022 small-single
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manufacturing of tools and tool-                            Godrej  Tooling  is  known  for
          ing equipment. We manufacture                               its belief in sustainable devel-
          custom-built, high-quality tooling                          opment  and  its  processes  and
          that caters to a broad cross-sec-                           products that are formulated to
          tion of players across industries.                          ensure a clean and green India.
          We have expertise in industrial                             Please shed light on your initia-
          machines,  die  casting  dies,  and                         tives in this regard.
          complex and large-sheet met-                                Environment,  Society,  and
          al tooling for auto panels. With                            Economy are considered to be
          a team of 500 people, including                             the three pillars of sustainable
          50 designers and 350 trained as-                            manufacturing and are often
          sociates, supported by 39 CNC                               referred to as ‘Triple Bottom
          machines and 140 conventional                               Line’ (TBL). We are currently
          machines, we are a systems-driv-                            utilizing Industry 4.0 tech-
          en organization, eager to learn                          Source: Godrej Tooling, Godrej & Boyce Mfg Co Ltd  nologies, including IoT, 3D
          and experiment while keeping                                Printing,  System  Integration,
          abreast of the latest technology                            Cloud Computing, Machine
          platforms, software, and manu-                              Learning, AI, Simulation Sys-  “Adopting
          facturing processes.                                        tems, and more, to address the   Industry 4.0
          Some of the key industries that                             challenges  related  to  TBL  of   technolo-
          contribute to our business devel-  “Production of micro-compo-  sustainable manufacturing.  gies is not
                                        nents, plastic, sheet metal, and
          opment include Auto, Indian Rail-  cast components will rise as these   So, Industry 4.0, which was    just a ben-
          ways, Metro Railways, and Ord-  will replace the moving parts in   initially a traditional concept    eficial and
          nance Factories. Apart from the   EVs. This will pose immense   of  looking  at  digitizing  opera-  cost-ef-
                                        growth for the Tooling industry to
          Auto industry, the Electrical and   re-tool and enhance the conventi-  tions for minimal human in-  fective
                                                                                                     concept but
          Electronics segments have been   onal tooling methods.”     puts, is now being utilized to   a mandato-
          projected to drive the most de-  Pankaj Abhyankar           its full potential by us to reap   ry practice
          mand for the tooling sector, with   Senior VP & Business Head  the benefits of sustainable   that will
                                        Godrej Tooling
          21 percent and 14 percent, respec-  Godrej & Boyce Mfg Co Ltd  manufacturing by taking care   assist man-
          tively, in the coming five years.                           of resource depletion, waste   ufacturers
          Some other emerging industries                              reduction, energy efficiency,   in achieving
          expected to create demand for   E-mobility is gaining traction in   virtualization, and environ-  sustainable
          tools in India include Plastic, Con-  India due to its eco-friendly fea-  mental protection. Adopting   manufac-
          sumer Durables, Medical, White   tures and comparatively low-  Industry 4.0 technologies is    turing and
          Goods, and Defence.           er total cost of ownership. We   not  just  a  beneficial  and  cost-   saving
                                        have increased our investment   effective concept, but a man-  costs while
          You have increased your invest-  by 10 percent YoY on R&D to-  datory practice that will assist   also pro-
                                                                                                     tecting the
          ment by 10 percent YoY in R&D   wards a portfolio of tools and   manufacturers in achieving   environ-
          towards  your  portfolio  of  tools   dies  with  a  special  focus  on   sustainable manufacturing and   ment.”
          and dies with a special focus on   the EV industry. In the coming   saving costs while also protect-
          the EV industry.              year, we are looking to develop   ing the environment.
                                        new engines, battery boxes, and
                                        high-precision sheet metal parts   How has your growth been in
                                        to keep up with the increasing   the Auto sector – passenger ve-
                                        demand  for  EVs.  We  also  plan   hicles and two-wheelers? Please
                                        to explore tie-ups for exports   share your thoughts on the key
                                        across identified geographies.   factors driving the Automotive
          Source: Godrej Tooling, Godrej & Boyce Mfg Co Ltd  such as light-weighting, alter-  Tooling became a commercial
                                                                      market’s sentiments.
                                        Moreover, we have dedicated a
                                                                      Established in 1935, Godrej
                                        part of our R&D budget for EVs,
                                                                      toolroom in the early nineties,
                                        nate materials, and structural
                                                                      sensing a  surge in demand for
                                        castings. We have also applied
                                                                      tools for the Automotive indus-
                                        for a patent for our Cloud-based
                                                                      try; globalization was increas-
                                        Smart Connected Die that can
                                        remotely monitor a set of oper-
                                                                      ingly being accepted in the
                                        ating parameters.
                                                                      Indian scenario.
                                                                                              May-June 2022 |  23

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