Page 40 - MMI-March-April-2022
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                                                                                                                               AEROSPACE INDUSTRY

                         – from power steering to moving   Flatbed linear            greater thermal stability and
                         robotic arms. It is an indirect drive   Flatbed linear motors (simply   an increased lifespan due to no   12  DIE MOULD INDIA INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION
                         method, using nut and thread to   called linear motors) are de-  contact between the forcer and
                         turn rotational movement into   scribed as an unrolled version   shaft, with zero attractive forc-    Get Ready To Explore, Engage, And Enhance Your Business Network
                         linear movement.              of a rotary electric motor, with   es due to the LinX motor’s sym-
                         Ball screw  motion has  its  use-  the rotor (containing magnets)   metrical design. These features
                         fulness,  proven  by its  longevity   being the stationary part and   make it suitable for use in harsh
                         and  also its  shortcomings.  It is   the forcer (containing coils), the   applications. This leads to a low-
                         unable to accelerate and deceler-  moving part.             er total cost of ownership and
                         ate quickly. The contact between   Non-factory examples include   better precision.
                         moving  parts  creates  wear  and   maglev trains and railguns.
                         friction  and  requires  lubricants,   Within industrial settings, such   Knowing the company
                         which  can become a source of   linear motors have found their   behind
                         contamination.  Wear  also leads   high precision, velocity, and   ANCA Motion’s linear  motors
                         to increased  maintenance  costs   force abilities applied to mate-  were originally developed to give
                         and decreased performance over   rial handling scenarios and ma-  ANCA CNC Machines an edge in
                         time.  Another  source of bother   chine tools.             a  highly-competitive  global  in-
                         is  the  backlash or lost motion   Another way they  improve  the   dustry. ANCA  is a world leader
           LinX®         caused by the necessary gap be-  ball screw motion  is  by having   in CNC tool grinding technology,
           motors are
           nimble, with   tween the thread and nut.    no backlash or reversal error.  with a series of world firsts since
           no backlash   LinX motors are much more     A downside to this kind of direct   1974.  It exports almost  all of
           due to their   nimble  in  comparison,  with   drive motor is its inability to be   what it  makes  at its  Melbourne
           direct drive   no backlash due to their direct   used in  harsh  environments.   headquarters.
           nature,       drive nature, resulting in zero   Mechanical  stress  and  heat are   The LinX  series  has  a heritage
           resulting in
           zero friction   friction between their forcer   generated due  to the  attractive   in  tool manufacture  and  has  a
           between       (a sleeve with copper coils) and   forces  between  the  rotor and   growing  list  of customers  the
           their forcer   shaft (a sealed stainless steel   forcer. This  can require  the  use   world over. They are used across
           and shaft.    tube containing magnets). The   of a separate chiller  to control,   various industries in diverse ap-
           The lack      lack of friction means less wear,   which  in turn  increases  the  to-  plications,  including  pick  and
           of friction
           means less    better longevity, and better   tal cost of ownership. The strong   place,  labeling,  pressing,  reject
           wear, better   quality for tools or whatever   downforce causes extreme wear   sorting,  stacking,  transfer,  line
           longevity,    other product they are involved   of the motor’s railings, leading to   distribution,  and  many other
           and better    in making. They are also capable   their frequent replacement.  material  handling  applications
           quality for   of achieving velocities as high as   The answer to this is a tubular   within automated warehousing.
           tools or
           whatever      10 m/sec, meaning a major boost   linear motor that makes full   Besides LinX,  the  company of-
           other prod-   for productivity.             use of magnetic flux and has   fers a range of servo drives, hu-
           uct they are                                                              man-machine  interfaces,  and
           involved in                                                               control systems.
           making.                                                                   ANCA Motion  has  decades  of
                                                                                     experience developing  motion
                                                                                     control solutions  and  partners
                                                                                     with customers  to build  custom
                                                                                     solutions. This is supported by a
                                                                                     local team of engineering, sales,         27  – 30  APRIL, 2022
                                                                                     and service experts ready to help
                                                                                     expand  Australia’s sovereign             BOMBAY EXHIBITION CENTRE, GOREGAON (E), MUMBAI, INDIA                                   REGISTER TODAY
                                                                                     manufacturing capability.
                                                                                     Along with  custom  motors,               Visit the Die Mould India International Exhibition (12  Edition) to meet the best of the tooling
                                                                                     ANCA Motion supplies standard             fraternity under one roof and explore innovative ways to grow your aerospace business.
                                                                                     LinX linear motors in two rang-
                                                                                     es: M-Series (continuous force of         INDUSTRIES BENEFITED :
                                                                                     80 N to 287 N, peak force of 1200         Aerospace, Automobile, Auto Ancillary, Defence, Consumer Durables, Electrical, Electronics,
                         Source: ANCA Motion                                         (continuous force of 335 N to 630         ONLINE REGISTRATION IS MANDATORY                                                        ORGANISED BY
                                                                                     N) with IP 66 rating and S-Series
                                                                                                                               Engineering, Railways & Plastic Products
                                                                                     N and peak force of 4270 N) with
                                                                                     IP 67 rating.
                                                                                                                               SAFETY PROTOCOLS TO BE STRICTLY FOLLOWED
                                                                                                                                For more information, visit

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