Page 45 - MMI-March-April-2022
P. 45

permanent  closure.  I began  by   Lean behavior. I did not think it
                                        setting goals for myself, such as   was necessary to set up a special
                                        becoming the market leader, cut-  Lean department and put them
                                        ting  costs  by half, and  empow-  in charge of education and trans-
                                        ering  workers  to be responsible   formation. I made it everybody’s
                                        for and  in  charge  of production   responsibility in their area of
                                        without the  intervention  of   work, taught by me initially and
                                        management.  To inculcate Lean   later by my value stream man-
                                        or JIT behavior in  all,  give new   agers. This job was to be done
                                        products  protection  for 8-10   every day on the Gemba and not
                                        years,  make  competition  re-  from remote locations. We felt
                                        dundant,  develop new markets,   happy with every achievement,
                                        become  India’s  first  actual  Lean   yet we were never satisfied as it
                                        organization, etc. I had a timeline   taught us more was possible.
                                        in mind, but we were basically in   In hindsight, we were lucky not
                                        a hurry to outperform ourselves.   to have had people telling us var-
                                        With these guiding lights, I broke   ious  things  to do. We  followed
                                        them down into daily Kaizen ac-  JIT leads from Dr Schonberger’s
                                        tivities  on the  Gemba in  every   book  ‘World  Class  Manufactur-  It is nec-
                                                                                                    essary to
                                        area  –  from  marketing  to prod-  ing’, which  incidentally  is still  a   tell every
                                        uct  development to execution   good book.  The fact that I was   member of
                                        to supply  chain.  With  all  this   able to put my words into action   the team
                                        work being done seamlessly and   helped to build  trust.  My team   about why
                                        concurrently across all stages of   saw me  addressing  concerns  on   you intend to
                                        the value stream, I had given my   all fronts  – marketing,  product   become Lean
                                        team five ‘zero’ goals even if they   or process design, supplier devel-  and how
                                        were inordinate – zero delays   opment, problem-solving, people   you plan to
                                        in  deliveries,  zero waste  (defect   development,  creating  a  happy,   proceed on
                                        included),  zero lead  time,  zero   trustworthy environment,  etc.   this journey.
          the results will follow. The CEO   inventory, and zero accidents to   I  was  always  talking  to them   The goal of
                                                                                                    Lean is not
          himself must speak to the work-  facilitate all goals.      about the next goal and its ben-  to reduce
          ers and staff to set the goals and                          efits. My experience shows that   the head-
          lead them in Kaizen.          Lean department or not?       one  can  transform  without a   count, so it
          When my Lean journey started,   My focus was on developing ev-  special department or group be-  is import-
          we faced many problems.  One   ery person into a leader (how-  ing set up for the purpose.   ant to tell
          of them was that there were no   ever unreasonable or over-am-                            them that to
          orders despite having good prod-  bitious that might sound). This   Social and passion vs.   alleviate any
          ucts. This led to a temporary clo-  meant everyone had to learn   mechanistic and intellect  fears of re-
          sure, necessitating a turnaround   and master all aspects of Lean   Building a Lean culture is not a   trenchment.
          strategy to avoid an extended or   by  imbibing  and  adapting  to   mechanistic thing. It’s not that
                                                                      you can randomly cherry-pick
                                                                      some tools that will build you
                                                                      a Lean culture. It is more of a
                                                                      social thing, one that  is part of
                                                                      people’s development and trans-
                                                                      formation, one that teaches in-
                                                                      volvement, ownership, and re-
                                                                      sponsible behavior. Passion, not
                                                                      intellect, is the driver for success
                                                                      here. Intellect here is useful in
                                                                      Kaizen and standardization, but
          Source: Magic Wand Media                                    Passion motivates involvement,
                                                                      success will come out of passion.

                                                                      intellect encourages delegation,
                                                                      and delegation, in the begin-
                                                                      ning, is ruinous for success.

                                                                                            March-April 2022 |  45

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