Page 38 - MMI-March-April-2022
P. 38


                         FOR GREATER PRODUCTIVITY

                         Tubular linear motors are outperforming their counterparts by offering a slew
                         of significant benefits, including their applications in harsh environments and
                         automated warehousing.

                                                                                                                Source: ANCA Motion

                         LinX M Series HERO_EXPLODED

                               here is stored energy, and   resolution  and  throughput are   ly used. Depending  on  the  size
                         T     there is kinetic energy or   critical,  have  welcomed  im-  of a factory, getting compressed
                               movement.  Motors turn
                                                       proved surface finish,  increased
                                                                                     air  to a  source  might  require
                         the first into the second. As with   efficiency, and reliability gains at   multiple  compressors and  a
                         everything  else, ways to  create   a  lower  operating cost  after  in-  complicated reticulation system.
                         movement have evolved.        corporating  LinX  tubular  linear   Leaks  throughout such  a net-
                         One comparatively recent kind   motors into their machines.  work are expensive.
                         of actuation – tubular linear                               ANCA Motion’s  LinX  motors,
                         motion – is gaining favor appli-  Pneumatic                 on the other hand, work on ser-
                         cations as diverse as machine   Pneumatic actuators have a   vo-based,  closed-loop control,
                         tool building, factory automa-  history  going  back roughly  to   and  changing  setpoints  is  quick
                         tion, packaging, printing, and   World War II. Today they are a   and  painless,  resulting in  mini-
                         material handling.            factory  staple,  used  to quickly   mal time between batches. They
                                                       (and noisily) move between two   have an integrated position sen-
                         LinX tubular linear motors    set points.                   sor with 10 µm of resolution that
                         ANCA Motion  is  an  Australian   They are a major user of electric-  eliminates the need for an exter-
                         developer and  manufacturer of   ity in factories. According to one   nal  encoder, simplifies  system
                         motion  control systems,  hard-  estimate, using compressed air to   integration, and allows for high-
                         ware, and software. ANCA CNC   perform a task directly takes ten   er  quality and  throughput. The
                         Machines  is  its  sister  company.   times  the energy  of  using  elec-  savings  on energy costs  quickly
                         Since 2014, ANCA has used LinX   tricity directly due to the waste   offset  the  upfront  cost,  and  the
                         tubular linear motors in its glob-  heat created.  One  huge  bottle-  payback period versus pneumat-
                         ally renowned tool and  cutter   neck they can create is their in-  ics is generally 18 months.
                         grinders,  first introducing  them   flexibility. Recalibrating air pres-
                         in the FX Linear and MX Linear   sure between different batches   Ball screw
                         tool grinding machines. Custom-  can sometimes take hours.  More than a century old,  ball
                         ers  in the precision  toolmaking   Though inefficient,  pneumatics   screw motion is still around and
          Source: ANCA Motion  industry, where micron-level   are well-understood and  wide-  used in a broad set of applications

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