Page 14 - MMI- Aug2022
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al skills, and transferable skills.   plement and make efficient   tives, and investments that of-
                         The most in-demand soft skills   use  of  new  digital  marketing   fer something for everyone. For
                         include leadership skills, com-  systems or sales platforms, you   example, Trailhead, Salesforce’s
                         munication, collaboration, and   need talent that can work with   free online learning platform,
                         time management.              data and analytics, which for   democratizes  digital  learning
                         Individuals who exhibit both   many manufacturers is foreign   by helping participants with
                         technical know-how and new-   territory. In these scenarios,   low technical knowledge ob-
                         age soft skills will benefit the   talent  brings  with  it  new  and   tain a Salesforce role in as little
                         most from the current trend,   emerging skill sets. At the same   as six months.
                         as organizations are looking for   time, training, reskilling, and   Individuals who possess both
                         employees with holistic skills.   enablement of existing employ-  technical knowledge and new-
                         Indian industry experts realize   ees is also imperative.   age soft skills stand to bene-
                         that we are at the juncture of   Manufacturers  today  need  fit the most from the current
                         endowing the world with inno-  to embrace the future by be-  trend, with companies ea-
                         vation not only in technology   ing innovative, adaptable, and   ger  to  hire  profession-
                         but with skilled manpower that   change-management-focused.   als with a comprehensive
                         is willing to learn, unlearn, and   In many cases, attracting the   skill set. Organizations that
                         relearn. Today’s workforce has   right talent isn’t only a case of   build  work  environments
                         become more tech-savvy, and   upgrading systems, technolo-  where everyone can thrive
                         concepts like digitalization as   gies, and processes; it’s about   are equally likely to be the most
                         well as Industry 4.0 certainly   creating appropriate roles that   resilient in the future as they
                         complement each other.        enable those upgrades.        begin new ways of working.

                                                       Filling the skills gap        Deepening relationships
                                                       Re-skilling the workforce is one   for growth
                                                       of the most significant challeng-  Forward-thinking  manufac-
                                                       es and opportunities we face at   turers are defining, developing,
                                                       this moment. There was a grow-  and rapidly accelerating digiti-
                                                       ing digital skills gap before the   zation to compete  on the  most
                                                       pandemic. However, with the   important market differentia-
                                                       importance of digitalization in   tor: their ability to understand,
                                                       rebuilding the economy and so-  engage, and  earn the trust of
                                                       ciety, that gap has gotten even   their ecosystem. These compa-
                                                       greater. As per insight from the   nies put their employees first.
                                                       Digital Skills Index, India leads   While not all manufacturing
                                                       in  digital  skills  readiness  with   jobs will necessarily require
                         Rajkumar Ravuri               72  percent  of  respondents  in   extensive training in software
                         Director - Manufacturing      India actively learning new dig-  development or IT, they will
                         Salesforce India
                                                       ital skills now.              require knowledge of digital
                         In recent years, the shift from   An entirely new set of skills   technologies and systems. Man-
                         assembly-line manufacturing   such as 3D printing, Internet   ufacturers are commencing
                         to technology-driven manu-    of Things (IoT), and robotics are   their  journeys  toward  digital
                         facturing has changed the way   causing massive changes in the   transformation. It has become
                         companies  hire  prospective  Manufacturing  sector,  which   critical  to  provide  a  differen-
                         employees. As manufacturing   means   that  manufacturing   tiated customer experience
                         facilities and workspaces are   system employees must deal   while remaining profitable.
                         constantly changing due to    with manufacturing in a fun-  According to our latest State
                         technological  advancements,  damentally different way. To   of Sales research, 74 percent of
                         employers are more likely to   address the growing skills gap,   sales leaders in manufacturing
                         hire individuals who are skilled   companies  must  invest  in  en-  say that digital transformation
                         in digital technologies.      abling their workforce to learn   is accelerating for them. They
                         For instance, the Manufactur-  the skills they require for their   are investing in technology to
                         ing  industry  in  India  is  rela-  jobs now and in the future. We   do something very human—
                         tively new to digitalization. But    support the skilling imperative   deepen relationships—and as a
                         we all know how important it    via an extensive list of import-  result, they’re growing.
                         is to the future of work. To im-  ant  platforms,  projects,  initia-  Manufacturing, despite its me-

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