Page 12 - MMI- Aug2022
P. 12



                                     THE WORKFORCE

                         Digital technologies are disrupting India’s manufacturing industry, which

                         has huge job potential. Industry experts discuss the importance of enhancing
                         employees’ soft skills through digital tools to shape the industry’s future, and
                         the key skill sets hiring managers look for in potential employees.

                                                       Problems  can  constantly  arise;   evolving  demands  of  consum-
                                                       being able to think critically   ers. Skilling must be intentional,
                                                       and  quickly  is  a  skill  that  will   demonstrable, and active. Ses-
                                                       help you get ahead. When you   sions should be interactive and
                                                       work in manufacturing, you    include periodic assessments
                                                       are a small yet integral part of   to test how employees grasp
                                                       the  daily  operation.  Therefore,   new skills.
                                                       dependability is a vital quality
                                                       looked for in employees in the   Focusing on sub-skills
                                                       Manufacturing industry.       Digital technologies can en-
                                                       Ours is an industry that relies   hance training on multiple
                                                       heavily on technology and     fronts.  Skills  like  using  a  tab-
                         K Ganapathi Subramanian       equipment, so it is critical that   let, mobile phone, or computer
                         Vice President, Marketing & Sales
                         Gedee Weiler Pvt Ltd          those who are seeking to get   to take simulated recruitment
                                                       into it have a natural aptitude   tests for various sub-skills
                         Manufacturing is all about    for them so that  they  can  be   should be taught. These in-
                         teamwork; when everyone per-  trained quickly and become    clude the fundamentals of hu-
                         forms their role and integrates   comfortable  with  the  relevant   man-computer  interaction,  the
                         with the team, the operation   technology and equipment.    use of touch screen interfaces,
                         runs smoothly and efficiently.                              overcoming digital anxiety and
                         The work in manufacturing     Skilling and reskilling       phobia, playing digital games,
                         can  be  demanding,  repetitive,   Today, every company is a po-  performing simulated tasks,
                         and time-sensitive, and you   tential digital enterprise. This   and so on.
                         may have to work long and     is a critical phase in the indus-  Second, digital training tools
                         unsociable hours. Therefore,   trial evolution marked by com-  improve  training  speed  and
                         to thrive in the Manufacturing   puters, mobile devices, internet   retention. They can be designed
                         industry, you need to develop a   connectivity, data, robotics, 3D   to target the most difficult
                         strong work ethic and always   technologies,  augmented  reali-  parts of tasks and are optimized
                         be  able  to put in 100  percent   ty, cloud computing, and a host   for learners who need visual
                         at work.                      of other developments that are   and  experiential  support.
                                                       shaping the new age of work-  At the end of this transfor-
                         Managing time and             place skills in the Manufactur-  mation  process,  successful
                         workload                      ing sector.                   industrial  companies  will
          SOVAN TUDU     Most roles involve a lot of differ-  However, advanced technolo-  become true digital enter-
          Magic Wand Media Inc   ent tasks. Hence, managing your   gies do not mean human replace-  prises, with physical products
          Sovan.tudu@    time  well  and  putting  things    ment—instead,  new  human  at their core, augmented by dig-

                         in the right order is essential.   skills are required. To navigate   ital  interfaces  and  data-based,
                         The work can be fast-paced and   these new waters, reskilling and   innovative services. These en-
                         precise, so attention to detail is   upskilling existing workers will   terprises will work together
                         vital for performing tasks and   be crucial and, if done right, will   with customers and suppliers
                         working safely in a potentially   save companies time and money   in industrial digital ecosystems.
                         dangerous environment.        while continuing to meet the

          12  |  July-August 2022                                                        Modern Manufacturing India
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