Page 49 - MMI_-- JulyAug2021 (single)
P. 49

“*Regarding quality inspection,   katesan  are  company CTO  and
          human biases will be eliminated,   COO, respectively.
          leading to 30 to 40 percent re-  With more than 25 years of ex-
          duction  in  false  rejections.  With   perience in building
          5 to 8 percent improvement in de-  Product and  Digital
          tection, there will be a higher level   platforms  in  North
          of  customer  satisfaction  adding    America  and  pas-
          at least 1 percent to new revenues.    sion  for technology,
          *In the QA process, Corrective   Udayamurthy oversees
          and Prevention Actions (CAPA)   the  platform architecture
          can  be  implemented  to  eliminate   and  performance,  besides
          non-conformities with effective   building effective and high-per-
          analysis. With manual inspection   forming teams.                                      Source: Jidoka Technologies
          or with conventional machine vi-  Dr Iyengar is a technical innova-
          sion installations, the  analytics is   tor and leads the product develop-  to  streamline  our implementa-
          not available for the user to take   ment and data science divisions.  tion  process  to ensure adequate
          action on the defects.        With  a rich experience in man-  check and balance to deliver the
          *A 20 percent increase in the speed   ufacturing and previous  startup   committed outputs.”
          of inspection can be achieved in   experience, Venkatesan heads the   “Getting  the  right  talent  was
          the Product Control aspect with   marketing, sales and operations   another challenge so we hired
          inspection as a bottleneck get-  functions at Jidoka Technologies.  the talent that was versatile. We
          ting eliminated and increase in                             provided them in-house train-  By 2025,
          throughput by 33 percent.     Teething issues and           ing to make them productive in   Jidoka
          *We provide an E2E solution that   future plans             a very short span of time,” he   Technolo-
                                                                                                    gies aims to
          delivers committed output backed   Talking about initial pain points,   adds further.     expand
          by a commercial model.”       Udayamurthy shares,  “On  the   The team is looking at furthering   its services
                                        technical side, we had to stream-  the company’s product develop-  across the
          Smart minds behind            line our MLOPs to ease the deliv-  ment in two areas:       global
                                                                                                    market of
          the venture                   ery of models. Scaling of cameras   The first step, shares Udayamur-  the US, the
          Along with  Udayamurthy, the   and  working  with  the  vendors   thy, is to move to a KPI-driven tri-  UK, Europe,
          other two Co-founders Dr Krish-  to iron out technical issues were   aging of quality for organizations   Southeast
          na  Iyengar and Vinodh Ven-   part of the process. We also had   i.e.,  managing  economic,  qual-  Asia besides
                                                                      ity and  production  constraints   serving
                                                                      and  bringing  in an  incremental   in the
                                                                                                    Indian sub-
                                                                      change in quality.            continent.
                                                                      “Secondly, we are looking at the
                                                                      need  of customers  to have  data
                                                                      to ensure  higher  levels  of accu-
                                                                      racy,  which  is  done  by various
                                                                      features  for data  augmentation
                                                                      and experience-driven inferenc-
                                                                      ing. For this, we will leverage the
                                                                      cutting-edge  work done  in  AI/
                                                                      Machine  vision such  as  Anom-
                                                                      aly detection,  3D image  gener-
                                                                      ation,  etc.,  and  to this  effect we
                                                                      are productionizing some of the
                                                                      concepts  while  patenting  them
                                                                      as well. We continue to evolve in
                                                                      the hardware platforms as well,”
                                                                      he states.
          Source: Jidoka Technologies                                 pand its services across the global
                                                                      By 2025, the company aims to ex-

                                                                      market of the US, the UK, Europe,
                                                                      Southeast Asia besides serving in
                                                                      the Indian sub-continent.

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