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leap to megatrends and advanc-
                         es in  digitalization, as well as
                         the creation of a ‘system’. He
                         also made the audience pon-
                         der on questions such as: ‘Are
                         we competitive by eliminating
                         waste  in  materials,  resources,
                         and efforts? Are we ahead of the
                         competition?’ before concluding
                         his speech.

                         Sharing ways to amp up
                         productivity                                                                           Source: IMTMA
                         Over 85 case studies  were re-
                         ceived  for the  Productivity
                         Championship  Awards  2022,  of
                         which 13 were shortlisted for the   precedented odds during the first   ing  robots  in  core  painting  and
                         finals for their outstanding con-  wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.  machining  areas.  This  has  en-
                         tribution to raising manufactur-  Kirloskar Oil Engines Ltd, Kolha-  abled breakthrough  benefits in
                         ing  productivity. Over the  two   pur, team presented a case study   cost, manpower, and electricity.
           Over 85 case
           studies were   days of the Summit, Bharat Elec-  on how the company enhanced   Hitachi Astemo, Bangalore team
           received for   tronics  Ltd,  Bangalore;  Bosch,   its capacity and improved the   explained  they  improved  pro-
           the Pro-      Bangalore;  Hero  MotorCorp,  productivity of existing machine   ductivity in a pressure regulator
           ductivity     Haridwar;  Hero MotorCorp,  Al-  lines through resource optimiza-  line through systematic and de-
           Champion-     war; Hitachi Astemo, Bangalore;   tion. Theory of Constraints (ToC)   tailed process  analysis,  capacity
           ship Awards   Kasturi Foundry, Kolhapur; Kir-  was used to identify  machining   study, loss identification,  and
           2022, of      loskar Oil Engines Ltd, Kolhapur;   lines with lesser utilization and   measures, addressing bottleneck
           which         Larsen  & Toubro,  Kanchipuram;   redesign the flow, eliminating   operations impacting PQCD (Pro-
           13 were       Mahindra & Mahindra,  Kan-    multiple machines, mass balanc-  ductivity, Quality, Cost,  Deliv-
           shortlisted   divali;  and  Tata Motors,  Pune,   ing, and innovative fixturing to   ery) parameters.
           for the finals                                                            Hero  MotoCorp,  Alwar, used
           for their     presented  their  case  studies   double-per-person output with
           outstanding   and  offered  an in-depth  and   reduced inventory and rejections.   TPM  in a  warehouse  environ-
           contribution   multi-faceted  understanding  of   Bosch, Bangalore, team explained   ment for enhancing productivity
           to raising    the approaches they embraced to   how they met customer demands   and reducing ‘Mean Time To Pre-
           manufactur-   accomplish their business goals.  through  the  manufacturing  of   ventive Maintenance (MTTPM).
           ing produc-   The summit  also featured  case   CBx (Common-Rail Beng) pumps   The  company used customized
           tivity.       study  presentations  from  three   aided by emerging technologies   IoT devices  in a ‘Conditional
                         SMEs: Associated Plasmatron,   and digital solutions, resulting in   Based  Monitoring’  (CBM)  net-
                         J.P.F. Metacast Pvt Ltd, and Mek-  substantial savings and a 30 per-  work linked to warehouse man-
                         hos Technology Services Pvt Ltd.   cent productivity increase.   agement  through  ‘Automatic
                         The  companies,  in presenting   Larsen & Toubro, Kanchipuram,   Storage & Retrieval System’ at its
                         their  case  studies,  contested for   enhanced productivity through   global parts center.
                         IMTMA-ACE  Micromatic  Pro-   digital transformations in L&T’s   Hero MotoCorp,  Haridwar, pre-
                         ductivity Championship Awards   heavy  engineering  shop,  elim-  sented a case study modeled on
                         2022  with cash awards  worth   inating paperwork in a proj-  the TPM, KK Pillar, using the tra-
                         `10 Lakh.                     ect-based environment. The case   ditional  ECRS  (Eliminate,  Com-
                                                       study presented a digitalization   bine,  Rearrange,  and  Simplify)
                         Case Studies in a nutshell    approach that included the use of   method in its machine  lines  by
                         Bharat Electronics Ltd (BEL), Ban-  AI, VR, RFID, and IoT in the areas   setting  a  challenging  target  of
                         galore case study focused on how   of fabrication and galvanizing.   25 percent cycle  time  reduction
                         the defence major entered the   Kasturi  Foundry,  Kolhapur,   using line balancing, casting im-
                         field of manufacturing ICU ven-  brought  in  productivity  and   provement,  and  advanced  tool-
                         tilators for the first time and took   quality  improvement  in  Rear   ing in a systematic way.
                         up the challenge to manufacture   Axle Housing and Case for Front   Mahindra & Mahindra,  Kan-
                         30,000 ICU ventilators in a record   Axle (E68) machining line. It en-  divali,  implemented the ‘Single
                         time of 90 days, against all un-  hanced it in 2 value streams us-  piece  flow’ concept  at its  legacy

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