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manufacturing businesses that The keynote presentations will PLI and logistics, which will
have accepted technology as a take the discussions to a higher come in a large way in a com-
productivity enhancer, we are level of abstraction. You can take bination of all the multi-modal
also seeing a lot of convergence that abstraction down to your areas and is involved in the in-
between non-manufacturing shopfloor and apply it to your vestment in machine tools and
and manufacturing processes, specific needs.” other industries, offering the
which is sort of a conversion Besides the inaugural keynote appropriate time for technology
between information technolo- address, this edition featured adoption,” he explained. “Second,
gy (IT) systems and operational two keynote presentations: India is a country with a large
technology (OT).” Dr S Devarajan, Senior Vice number of clients with extreme-
The event proved to be an excel- President, TVS Motor Company ly specialized requirements, and
lent opportunity to hear from Ltd, spoke on ‘Paradigm shifts each order is unique, posing large
industry professionals on many in manufacturing and supply product requirements due to vol-
aspects of boosting competitive- chain in lieu of technological ume. Finally, ‘service’, because
ness in the Manufacturing indus- Developments’ and MS Shankar, customers increasingly choose
try. Dr Gopichand Katragadda, President, Future Mobility (In- it over products, which India can
Founder & CEO, Myelin Found- novation & Technology), Anand take up much faster.”
ry, was the Guest of Honor and Group, spoke on ‘Productivity - Shankar said, “The revolution
delivered the inaugural keynote Innovating Sustainably’. of Metallic 3D Printing in the
presentation on ‘AI and Industri- Dr Devarajan emphasized the sphere of vehicle manufacture
al IoT: The Last Mile’. need for sharing information has arrived. We have grown as a The latest
Appreciating IMTMA Mega and best practices, as well as manufacturing economy as a re- edition of
Events’ NPS 2022, he remarked visibility in terms of factory vis- sult of a pool or team of machine National
that one of the event’s key ob- itation and implementations, to manufacturers, manufacturing Productivity
jectives is to learn from one an- keep manufacturing at the fore- engineers, and large and small Summit wit-
other. One of the essential com- front. According to him, India entrepreneurs.” He added that ‘a nessed the
ponents is visiting factories and needs to be more competitive. product or service is a function participation
witnessing the operations in The country is completely capa- of opportunity’ and emphasized of over 275
action. He added, “The chance ble of implementing best practic- that consumer needs are deter- delegates
to learn from the case studies of es in manufacturing, which are mined by a set of experiences from 95
MNCs like Bosch to Indian com- supported by three areas. “First, rather than specifications. The companies
across a
panies like TVS is highly critical. the government is supporting sector must make a quantum
tion of the
ing industry.
Source: IMTMA
November-December 2022 | 47