New Products

BRANKAMP Sensors from Marposs

Sensor technology enables recording the course of the process between the tool and the work piece and observing any changes to intervene or optimize.

'Q' Plasma Cutting Series from Kjellberg

Kjellberg is showing its latest generation of plasma cutting technology live at IMTEX FORMING 2020.

YLS Adjustable Mode Beam Laser

Available in total power of 3 to 25 kW with core power up to 12 kW and ring power up to 15 kW, these lasers are the most versatile in the market.

EcoCtwin, Twin Chamber Cleaning Machine

The machine is suitable not only for removing oil and emulsion from mass-produced parts, but also for the fine cleaning of assembly parts.

Cutting Thin to Mid-thick Materials on Single Lens

The latest upgrade to the Amada global standard fiber laser cutting machine, LCG AJ series is the most efficient fiber laser cutting system for processing thin to mid-thick sheet metal.

The Flexible Arm X5

The Laser Cutting System has 2 more axes of freedom than the conventional X, Y and Z axes that allow higher flexibility to operate on various sizes and shapes of automobile sheet metal components.

Vacuum Generation Made Compact

J. Schmalz GmbH has developed the new SCPM family in response to the growing demand for space-saving, decentralized vacuum generators that combine powerful suction with straightforward integration.

For Large Aerospace Parts

This 4,000 tonne oil hydraulic press supplied to the largest aerospace parts manufacturers in India is capable of ring forging, flange forging, fast forging, isothermal forging and titanium alloy forging.

Rapid Profile Projector V 300

The V 300 from Dynascan measures or traces parts in a few seconds as opposed to 10 or 20 minutes on a conventional Profile Projector.

TwinCAT Vision for PLC programmers

TwinCAT software unites a comprehensive range of machine functionality – PLC, motion control, robotics, high-end measurement technology, IoT, HMI and now machine vision – all in an end-to-end engineering and control platform.

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