AMC Calibrating Milling Machine by GF Machining Solutions

Biel, Switzerland – Innovative Milling, EDM, laser texturing, automation, and customer service solutions provider, GF Machining Solutions, developed an all-in-one, ready-to-use Automated Machine Calibration (AMC) package. It enables operators of both three- and five-axis machines to easily and rapidly perform a machine recalibration to recover the overall long-term precision needed for high-quality parts, at the push of a button. The AMC cycle consists of both the software for the Heidenhain TNC 640 control and hardware (a dedicated pallet including a calibration ball and an aluminium reference block) for pallet calibration. Its ergonomic interface needs little preparation and is simple to use, furthermore automatic data management eliminates human errors, minimizes downtime between cycles, and increases the availability of operators.

To recover the geometry of the machine the operators can simply start the program and are guided by the interface. AMC assesses and adjusts all necessary key components like Touch Probe (length of the touch probe and radius of the stylus), Tool Measuring System (the location of the laser beam in relation to the machine's zero point), and The B & C Axes (the pivot point of the B and C axes in relation to the machine's zero point).

AMC once deployed recalibrates any machine within 10 minutes to its original kinematic precision, and due to its 100 percent reliability, it is a fast, accurate, and secure solution for manufacturers looking to maintain their machines' dimensional offsets on a regular basis and guarantee highly accurate parts.

The company currently offers AMC as a standard package on its three- and five-axis Mikron MILL S and Mikron MILL X series, allowing users to achieve best-in-class standard calibration cycles. In addition, the package can be tailored according to manufacturers' individual requirements, for example by including advanced optional smart machine modules (smm) bundles for specific application requirements.

Image Source: GF Machining Solutions

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