Publisher's Note

Dear MMI Readers,

Modern Manufacturing India (MMI) magazine has had a grand beginning. Our widely circulated bimonthly magazine
has been well-accepted by the global manufacturing fraternity and serves as a reading lens to the manufacturing world that is constantly undergoing changes with technology replacing labor.

India is witnessing some rapid changes in the manufacturing landscape. The country is embracing new technologies and innovations spur
that would manufacturing industry to greater heights and position it firmly on the global map.

This month’s edition carries insightful and informative articles on machine tool and manufacturing industry.
Read on for a quick peek into a special article by IMTMA on how Industry 4.0 will shape manufacturing and
open up a plethora of opportunities to place the Indian machine tool industry on the global radar.

The Indian machine tool industry has welcomed this initiative of IMTMA with open arms. The Association
has been encouraged by the positive feedback for the many iterations made to make the content more
exciting including the typefaces and page designs.

IMTMA is excited to continue bringing valuable content to enable the machine tool industry to achieve
the widest possible reach and create an impact at the global level.

Any publishing process is incomplete without feedback from readers, and therefore we solicit your
valuable thoughts to make our MMI more insightful and interesting. This will also enable our young
magazine to mature in stature.

As always, I hope you enjoy the time you spend with MMI and thank you once again for your support.

Warm regards,

V Anbu
Director General & CEO
Indian Machine Tool Manufacturers’ Association

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