It's the Content that Counts. Always!

As your own MMI steps into another year of bringing out curated content for the manufacturing fraternity, we take the opportunity to thank all of you – advertisers, contributors, and the huge reader base – for your continuous encouragement and engagement with us.

In today’s mushrooming market where magazines sprout almost fortnightly, replicating each other, our focus and effort have been to produce meaningful content for the discrete manufacturing sector on a regular basis. In doing so, we endeavor to bring to you the most relevant and original.

Reaching this milestone of completing another successful volume of MMI would not have been possible without the industry veterans’ handholding of us. They have consistently held our backs, offering their valuable time and insights on the current trends to help us curate impactful content with which we could connect with our readers.

We are highly grateful to the industry experts who have guided us in adding segments in terms of latest Technology Articles, Success Stories, Best Practices, Employment Opportunities, Practical Case Studies, and many others to bring MMI to its present avatar.

As we wind up this volume, we take pride in sharing congratulatory messages from the industry luminaries whose acknowledgment of our work will help us go a long way. Their favorable review motivates us to continue in our journey of serving the industry and doing ordinary things extraordinarily well.

The talent of success is nothing more than doing what you can do well and doing well whatever you do without thought of fame. If it comes at all it will come because it is deserved, not because it is sought after.
~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Modern Manufacturing India

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