Publisher's Note

Dear MMI Readers,

Welcome to the May 2019 issue of Modern Manufacturing India (MMI), the official magazine of Indian Machine Tool Manufacturers’ Association (IMTMA). Two eventful years have passed by since the Association began publishing MMI under its banner. Readers’ response has been tremendous which encourages us to keep at our endeavor to strengthen manufacturing activities and build a new India.

Manufacturing is widely seen as one of the drivers of economic growth. The sector provides employment to a sizeable section of highly skilled, semi-skilled as well as unskilled job aspirants in the country. The Indian manufacturing industry is aiming to consolidate its position in the market. For this, it is working towards getting its shopfloors upgraded with the latest technologies.

MMI, with its compelling content, new trends, and thought-provoking articles, has been bringing information to the fingertips of manufacturers and aiding their thought process for innovations. From the latest research and development taking place in the global marketplace to new ideas buzzing in the industry, MMI attempts to collect what’s trending and deliver it in a format that can keep you hooked.

We understand the influx of information that floods you in your everyday activities and the time required to sort through it can be challenging. To ease your understanding on how the manufacturing industry is changing, our goal is to entice your excitement when you read through MMI. As the magazine continues to evolve, we ask you to provide us with feedback so that we can meet as well as exceed your expectations.

This issue of MMI contains an article on smart manufacturing in the automotive industry and a special article on Indian machine tool industry, created just for you. I hope that you enjoy the articles and are inspired by them. Happy reading!


V Anbu
Director General & CEO

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