The Legacy of Kurien Paul: Remembering A Doyen Of Manufacturing Engineering, Tool and Fixture Design

Late Kurien Paul, 1935 - 2024

In the world of manufacturing engineering, tool and fixture design, few names shine as brightly as that of Kurien Paul. A man of unwavering integrity, unparalleled expertise, and unrelenting passion, Kurien left an indelible mark on the industry, inspiring generations of engineers and mentoring countless individuals who went on to become leaders in their own right.

With a career spanning over six decades, Kurien established himself as a master of his craft, renowned for his innovative designs, meticulous attention to detail, and unwavering commitment to excellence. His work on complex tooling systems, precision fixtures, and cutting-edge manufacturing processes raised the bar for the entire industry, earning him widespread recognition and respect.

"Mr Kurien was more than just a colleague or mentor – he was a guru and a role model," says Krishnakumar Raman, Director Operations, MM Forgings, a former protégé who has gone on to become a leader in his own right. "He had a gift for bringing out the best in people, and his influence can still be felt throughout the industry today. Mr. Kurien was instrumental in introducing new manufacturing technologies in component machining and assembly.

Many of these equipment improved product reliability and quality of the engines made by Simpsons. Between his time from 1982-1997 at Simpsons he brought in new technologies in line boring for engine blocks, valve seat generation for engine heads etc. All these helped Simpson engines perform more efficiently and also achieve lower emissions."

Krishnakumar continues, "One of his landmark accomplishment was to establish auto honing for engine bores.

Many machine tool builders, fixtures, tooling and accessory suppliers gained from his expertise and contributed to the growth of Simpsons manufacturing technology. Between 1992-1995 Simspons made landmark investments to modernize the manufacturing lines in the form of new facilities for engine blocks, heads, connecting rods, engine assembly and testing. This was the edifice he completed before retirement in 1997. He also played a key role in the selection and mentoring of young engineers and graduate engineer trainees. His trademark attention to detail and the systematic working methods were a lesson to all of us and made engineering enjoyable. After his retirement in 1997 he continued to guide engineers around him and mentored Forms and Gears to be a fixture supplier of choice for automakers and international machine tool builders worldwide. The manufacturing technology world has lost a brilliant engineer, father figure and mentor, needless to say a thorough gentleman. For me it is a personal loss of a father figure and guru."

Kurien's impact extended far beyond his impressive technical achievements. He was a devoted mentor, dedicating countless hours to guiding and nurturing the careers of those around him. His patience, wisdom, and generosity inspired a loyal following of engineers who sought his counsel, valued his opinion, and revered his example. 

K Ruknudeen, Regional Sales, Manager, Sandvik Coromant says, "Mr Kurien Paul, was a stalwart in the engineering industry and a technical genius. He was a mentor to many including me. A calm listener and clear communicator. His depth of knowledge in engineering was unparalleled and discussions with him would enlighten us and open up our minds."

Reji Varghese, Partner, Forms and Gears says, "After Mr. Kurien Paul's retirement from Simpson's he was a consultant and mentor to us and a father figure to me. In 1997 we executed a landmark project for Indica Cylinder Blocks at Tata Motors. The fixtures were for one of India's earliest imported FMS lines for high speed machining centres and nearly 30 years back these fixtures were enabled with high pressure hydraulics with hydraulic routing through the fixture base and individual sequencing done through separate pressure and tank lines on the fixture etc. We were able to execute a large complex project like this primarily due to Mr. Kurien's technical expertise. At Forms and Gears he has mentored many generations of engineers who have all gone on to have successful careers in other companies in India and abroad."

Ramkumar Kuppuswamy Head of Special Projects and Manufacturing Engineering , Delphi TVS says, "Kurien Paul was a great engineer and a thorough gentleman. He introduced many new technologies in Simpsons and guided engineers like me and many others and gave us a solid technical foundation. The industry has lost a giant. He will be remembered forever by the many who's lives he has touched."

Mr. Kurien did his B - Tech in Mechanical Engineering from IIT Kharagpur in 1953 and went on to do an M - Tech from IIT Kharagpur in 1959. He was visiting Professor of Tool Design at IIT-Madras in the 70's. 

Throughout his illustrious career Kurien remained humble and grounded, always deflecting attention and praise to those around him. His selflessness, kindness, and generosity inspired a culture of collaboration and camaraderie, fostering a sense of community and shared purpose that continues to inspire and motivate engineers to this day.

Pradeep Patil, Managing Director, TRUMPF India says, "Mr. Kurien was a luminary in manufacturing engineering and fixture design. He left an indelible mark on the industry. His technical acumen and kindness resonated with all who crossed his path during the past many decades. His calm demeanor and insightful interactions enriched the lives of those fortunate enough to know him, and I count myself among the beneficiaries of his wisdom for over 20 years."

Nikhil Nayak Managing Director, NN Combined Engineering says, "We at Combined Engineering have had an association with Mr. Kurien for two generations. He was a good friend of my father Natesh Nayak. When my father brought Mapal into India, Mr. Kurien was instrumental in first adopting Mapal at Simpsons. After my father's demise I continued to have close interactions with him while he was at Forms and Gears where we collaborated on many projects all over India. The first sophisticated Hydraulic Fixtures in the country were from Forms and Gears with hydraulics supplied by our principals Vektek, USA. Working with Mr Kurien was an experience in engineering excellence both in technical and on personal fronts. Mr. Kurien was an engineer par excellence and a thorough gentleman. His contribution to the manufacturing industry is immense and can be attested by the sheer number of people in the industry who have worked with him. Many of his proteges are now in leading positions in many organizations all over. His passing is a big loss for the industry."

As the industry mourns the loss of this legendary figure, we take comfort in the knowledge that his legacy will endure. The countless lives he touched, the careers he shaped, and the innovations he pioneered will continue to inspire and influence generations to come.

In the words of Kurien himself, "The true measure of success lies not in what we achieve, but in the positive impact we have on those around us." By this measure, Kurien was a towering success, a shining example of integrity, expertise, and mentorship who will be deeply missed, but never forgotten.

Article Source: Team MMI

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