
Seco Tools Appoints Mia Bökmark as New Vice President of Product Management and R&D

Seco Tools, a leading global solution provider of metal cutting solutions, has named Mia Bökmark as its new Vice President of Product Management and Research & Development.

EMO Hannover 2023 Releases Preliminary Exhibitor List

EMO Hannover 2023, the world’s leading trade fair for production technology, which has an official registration deadline of December 1, 2022, has already registered more than 1,000 exhibitors.

Aequs Joins Boeing Commercial Airplanes Premier Bidder Program

Aequs, a diversified contract manufacturing platform, has been accepted into the Boeing Premier Bidder Program.

Universal Robots Crosses 1000-Employee Mark

Universal Robots, the biggest company in a rapidly expanding Danish robotics hub, has become the cluster’s first organization to achieve 1,000 employees, one of only a handful Danish companies formed this millennium to do so.

Dassault Systèmes Announces 12th AAKRUTI Edition

Dassault Systèmes recently introduced AAKRUTI 2022, a nationwide product design competition for Indian engineering, design, and technology students.

National Productivity Summit 2022 to Highlight Manufacturing Excellence

Indian Machine Tool Manufacturers’ Association (IMTMA) is organizing the 16th edition of the National Productivity Summit from November 18-19, 2022 at Bangalore International Exhibition Center (BIEC), Bangalore, to advocate the cause of productivity in the Indian manufacturing industry.

TIMTOS 2023 Showcases New Smart Manufacturing Technology Theme Areas

Taipei International Machine Tool Show, or ‘TIMTOS’, is set to return from March March 6-11, 2023 in Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 1 & 2 and TWTC Hall 1.

Perkins Aurangabad Celebrates 10,000th 4000 Series engine Production

Perkins Engines Company Ltd, a world-leading supplier of off-highway diesel engines in the 4-2000 kW (5-2800 hp) industry, reached a significant milestone at its Aurangabad facility after its 10,000th 4000 Series engine rolled off the production line.

KSR KUEBLER Joins FDT Group as DTM Support for Level Measurement Devices Increases

FDT Group™, an international standard association dedicated to the advancement of FDT® technology, has welcomed KSR KUEBLER Niveau-Messtechnik GmbH as its newest member.

VDMA Valves Elects New Board Members

The Automation Association of the German Mechanical Engineering Industry Association (VDMA) - Valves Association elected a new board during its general assembly in Munich.

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