
The Role Sales Engineers Play

The capital equipment industry makes for a highly niche market. Hence, the marketing strategies employed to tap the relatively smaller market should be impactful. To this end, sales engineers, who are the face of an organization, shoulder a big responsibility of building its brand and propagating it.

Publisher's Note

Indian Machine Tool Manufacturers' Association (IMTMA) is delighted to publish the July edition of its MMI magazine. Many thanks for your continued interest. Our MMI team with its intensive research and analysis strives to bring to you the latest information on the developments taking place in the manufacturing industry spread throughout India and beyond to your desk. This month's edition focuses on medical machining.

Engaging the Audience

By now you must have gathered that I keep drawing parallels from everyday life to make my point. The truth is that there is a lot to be learnt from mundane occurrences. My attempt is to learn and spread the gained wisdom.Just like the other day, my niece of sunny disposition came back from the playground rather sullen. A high-handed older kid had not let her play football. The episode continued but with a turn of events. The little one returned to the playground, resolute to straighten the matter. Undaunted she presented her case, unfolding the cons of her absence from the team. Not only did she get in but was also made responsible to coach kids younger than her.

It's the Content that Counts. Always!

As your own MMI steps into another year of bringing out curated content for the manufacturing fraternity, we take the opportunity to thank all of you – advertisers, contributors, and the huge reader base – for your continuous encouragement and engagement with us.

Publisher's Note

Welcome to the May 2019 issue of Modern Manufacturing India (MMI), the official magazine of Indian Machine Tool Manufacturers' Association (IMTMA). Two eventful years have passed by since the Association began publishing MMI under its banner. Readers' response has been tremendous which encourages us to keep at our endeavor to strengthen manufacturing activities and build a new India.

Ushering in a New Era for the Indian Machine Tool Industry

The Indian machine tool industry grew at an admirable rate of around 30 percent in 2018-19, proving it has the potential to move up the ladder in the global list of 60 countries.

Digital Transformation Matters

Digital transformation in our business (machine tools and metal cutting as related to our customers' environment) has been much talked about and experimented for the last few years but its full-fledged adoption has been slow and painful.

Laurels from Leaders

MMI has come of age with it completing another successful year. To help us know whether we have done justice so far to what we are set out to do, we have called upon industry leaders to offer their two cents on our endeavor.

Embracing Challenges, Creating Opportunities

Flipping through the new language books of my nephew I chanced upon a story of a successful businessman who would sell combs in China.

Publisher's Note

Technological upgradation and willingness to learn what is new and emerging and unlearn what has become obsolete is what helps the manufacturing industry move ahead in the changing times.

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